Introducing: #ResearchMonday Instagram series

Happy October!

So, in my ongoing science communication efforts, I have been experimenting with visual formats for summarizing research/complex scientific concepts in simple-to-understand and fun ways.

Thus, my #ResearchMonday series on Instagram (which, of course, features #ResearchCat). It was during the last live Twitter Chat with our Science Communication Journal Club that I realized something: participants were sharing amazing sources and articles on the topic, but I absolutely knew I was not going to read them in the nearest future considering other priorities. That’s when I wished there could be some simple memes or visual summaries of key points i’d find useful (and that would truly encourage me to read the rest of the paper).

I very much like Instagram’s swiping posts, since it’s fantastic for self-paced story telling. Thus, this is where I’ve been playing with simple overviews of research articles. Click on each to go to see them:

Note: If new to Instagram, hover over the image & note the small arrow buttons on its sides (<)  and  (>). Click these to swipe through the post!

Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 10.05.04 AM

Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 10.17.06 AM  Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 10.16.56 AM

breakfast  Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 10.16.35 AM

ai  Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 10.16.46 AM

So far, I’ve been choosing papers I have most expertise in- health and nutrition. However, as you can see I’ve attempted to cover some very different topics as well (conscious AI!) The format is most definitely NOT set in stone, and I’d love any feedback on improvements.


3 thoughts on “Introducing: #ResearchMonday Instagram series

  1. phdfreakingout October 13, 2017 / 4:56 pm

    I think this is great! Getting all the key facts and reducing all the info down is so hard to do well,but is so needed to get people outside the science community engaging with science! Great idea!

    • MariyaK October 13, 2017 / 6:16 pm

      Heyy thank you!!
      It’s not like I have a big following on social media with #researchmondays, but i’ll keep making these! 😀 Glad the idea makes sense to others!

  2. phdfreakingout October 13, 2017 / 4:57 pm

    This is a really cool way to entice people to actually look at the information. Great idea!

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